Five Development Areas - Explained


1. Change Management

For Enterprise Leaders

Leading Change is no easy task. Most change efforts fail because leaders don't manage the change process effectively. Whether your changes are big (merger) or small (new boss to an intact team), we can help you by training your senior leaders to communicate the change throughout the process, tap employee input, build commitment to the change, and fully integrate change into your organizational processes, technology, structure and culture. We also can teach your staff about the stages of change, behaviors and reactions typical of each stage and strategies they can employ to adapt to and integrate the change.

2. Leading People

Coaching and Mentoring -- Up, Down, and Sideways

Coaching can take an adequate performer to new heights, motivate a disengaged employee, shift employee attitude and motivation. While it is the responsibility of managers to coach their staff, few know how. Our sessions include "hands on" coaching skill practices in which participants receive feedback on their style. Coaching training is offered to leaders and managers as well as to staff and includes learning how to coach up (one's boss or board), down (one's subordinate) and across levels (peers and teammates).


We all see the world from where we sit. Yet, those organizations that can both embrace and leverage multicultural differences will far outperform those that don't. Learn how to enhance multicultural communication through tailored cases, active skill practices and best practices for diversity challenges. 

Emotional Intelligence (EI)

Emotional intelligence can make the difference between a good leader and a great one. And yes, it can be learned! We will work with you to hone and incorporate the key components of emotional intelligence into your daily work life. You will take an assessment to identify your strengths and areas of development, learn strategies to develop your weaker components and leave the session with a uniquely tailored "EI" action plan. 

Meeting Facilitation Best Practices

Our "Masterful Meetings" course teaches you how to design and conduct efficient, well-designed and engaging meetings. Our "Group Facilitation" course teaches you how to facilitate and guide group problem-solving and decision-making processes, using a variety of tools and techniques. We also give you practical tools for handling your and others' emotions, challenging behaviors, group conflict and "invisible elephants" when they arise in groups. 

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

Learning about your personality style opens up a whole new world, with regard to communication, teamwork and leadership. We offer a variety of MBTI training: a half-day general introductory session, a full day for intact teams to enhance teamwork, a full day for leaders to enhance leadership skills, and an advanced session using the Step II form. These highly interactive sessions offer "hands on" strategies for enhancing teamwork, communication, customer service and leadership effectiveness.

Team Development

We offer a variety of team training sessions including: "How to Be an Effective Team Member", "Understanding Group Processes in Teams", "Creating and Sustaining Top Performing Teams", "Cutting Edge Team Decision-Making and Problem-Solving", and "Creating and Sustaining Top Performing Cross Functional Teams."

Our newest course, "Tools and Technology for Remote Teams," provides leaders of remote teams with guidance on best practices for managing virtual teams, including leading software tools , organizational methods, and techniques for improving distributed team performance.

Leadership Presence and Adaptability

We provide coaching and improvisational training to help you to be truly present, resulting in the flexibility and dexterity to be truly present resulting in the ability to leverage unexpected opportunities and possibilities at work. Learn how to get out of stuck places and frustrating challenges by imagining and playing out new possibilities. 

3. Managing Results

Accountability at Work

Accountability goes way beyond becoming responsible for one's work and refraining from blaming others. We teach you how to: (1) take initiative regularly, (2) continually scan for new ideas and possibilities, (3) give and receive regular feedback on teams, and (4) take the group's needs over one's own.

Customer Service

HOW you communicate with your customers can make the difference between a disgruntled customer and a thrilled one. Learn cutting edge strategies to achieve exceptional customer service through best practices and active skill practice (including feedback) using tailored cases.  

4. Building Coalitions

Conflict Management

We teach you how to interact more effectively with challenging people, including staff, leaders and customers. You will learn concrete strategies for having difficult and critical conversations. You will learn how to shift conflict that is dysfunctional to conflict that involves learning and resolution. You will also receive feedback on your conflict style, when it is best to use and when you should employ other styles.

Influence Skills

You will gain insight into your influence style as well as learn strategies for more effectively influencing your peers, boss, customers and stakeholders. These skills are particularly critical for informal or team leaders that have responsibility without authority. You will learn how to influence both individuals and teams as well as how to create win-win solutions.

Negotiation Skills

"Win-Win" interests-based Negotiation Skills are key for effective problem solving with teammates, customers, superiors, subordinates and stakeholders. In class, participants practice negotiating several cases including a Harvard Business review case and a case developed uniquely for your organization. You will learn how to plan for and execute negotiations and receive feedback on your negotiation style and skills. We offer both a 2-day and a 3-day course; the latter includes videotaping of your in-class negotiations and individual coaching on your style. 

5. Fundamental Competencies

Communication Best Practices

Most of us don't take the time to actively listen to others nor to give and receive feedback regularly at work. As well, many of us don't fully realize how we are perceived by others. These blind spots can cripple careers and work relationships. We work with you using assessments, skills practices and cases to hone your listening and feedback skills and to give you feedback on your blind spots to enhance your overall effectiveness.

Stress Management

Our Stress Management training goes beyond teaching you basic coping skills at work. We teach you how to manage your reactions at work, identify the sources of your stress, and how you may be helping to unknowingly create the very situations you most fear. You will also learn stress relief strategies you can implement at work including: visualizations, deep breathing, focusing, re-framing, and self-hypnosis.

Managing Time, Energy & Priorities

This training includes cutting edge strategies for increasing efficiency and effectiveness and for leveraging your energy to manage multiple priorities. We will teach strategies from the science of stamina to help you learn how to significantly increase your capacity to get work done.